September 7, 2024
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Obscured by smoke

August 24, 2023 Trey Hill 0

Emory Volunteer Fire Fighter Jon Wedeking is partially hidden by smoke while he extinguishes flames on Rains County Road 3380 on Tuesday afternoon, August 22. […]

District upgrades EMS building, vehicles

August 24, 2023 Chuck Fitts 0

The Rains County Emergency Service District (ESD) board purchased upgrades for the EMS building, purchased a new vehicle for Emory Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) and considered needs for Point VFD during the regular meeting on Monday, August 21. […]

August 24, 2023

August 24, 2023 Submitted 0

Good Sam Clothes/Thrift Shop Sales; Am. Legion Dinner; Emory Methodist Women Goodies And Games; Rains County Genealogical Society Cookbooks On Sale […]

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