February 23, 2025
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How COVID didn’t steal Christmas

December 22, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

I’ve loved Dr. Seuss since I heard him read Horton Hears a Who on the radio before I started to school. One of my favorites, especially this time of the year, is How the Grinch Stole Christmas – both the book and the movie. […]

Looking for Christmas spirit

December 8, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

David and I have been in COVID jail since the Saturday after Thanksgiving when I realized I couldn’t smell anything. I didn’t have any other symptoms, but I tested positive, so we were advised to quarantine for 10 days. […]

The end of a family tradition

December 1, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

Facebook sometimes brings sad news, and Sunday was one of those times. AJ’s Fish House, a community institution for 20 years, announced that its doors will close effective December 1. It is not only a great loss to fried fish fans in East Texas, but also to my family. […]

How Thanksgiving grow

November 24, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

Like everything else this year, Thanksgiving is going to be a bit different. We usually go to the home of relatives for the holiday, but as the messages began coming in that various families were staying home alone this year, I began to plan my menu. […]

A lone Indian Paintbrush and Paul McMerrell

November 17, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

David and I visited with our dog friend Spike last weekend while his people took a break from raising cattle. Spike was unusually subdued, maybe feeling the pressure of 2020 like the rest of us. More likely, though, his calm attitude is because of the strict restraints he’s under to keep him from chasing several new calves. Instead of having the run of the ranch, he stays in the barn, the house or tethered on the patio, and he walks on a leash. […]

The end of an era?

November 10, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

My husband David has been a biker most of his life. He learned to ride his uncle’s old Cushman motorcycle when he was nine, and since then, hitting the road on two wheels has been an almost magical experience to him. […]

What is racism anyway?

November 3, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

The subject of racism is impossible to avoid today since it’s at least mentioned in a majority of news stories and broadcasts, social media posts and many conversations. It’s easy to assume that the definition of such a common word is common knowledge. But as we all know, assumptions can be wrong. […]

Leftover Books

October 27, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

“By the time this column is published the remaining books will have been hauled away to be sold at Half-Price Books, but the Book Shed behind the Library won’t be empty.” This sentence was in the final paragraph of last week’s column in which I talked about some of the book lovers I met at the Friends of the Library Book Sale. […]

Book lovers of Rains County

October 20, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

The Friends of the Library 2020 Book Sale has come and gone, and I’m exhausted. In fact, many of the more seasoned FOL members are exhausted after a week of setting up tables, unpacking and sorting thousands of books, displaying them, and repacking them. […]

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