December 28, 2024
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Normal life is calling

May 26, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

I need a loaf of bread. David had been asking for BLT’s, so when Brookshire’s offered a three-pound package of bacon for $9.99, I put it on the list. We have enjoyed several sandwiches since then, and David is a happy man. However, I underestimated the number of sandwiches in that much bacon, and I’m almost out of bread. […]

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020 Submitted 0

Rains County Good Samaritans Opens; Bonanza Seeking Repair Donations; Spring Clean-up In Point, May 23-30; Flag Retirement Ceremony, May 31; Community Seeds, Services Of Hope; Lynch Cemetery, Second Work Day; Prospect Cemetery Association To Meet; Willow Springs Homecoming Canceled; Long Cemetery Meeting, Memorial Service Canceled; Smyrna Cemetery Lunch And Meeting Canceled […]

Clearing the roadway for others

May 19, 2020 Trey Hill 0

Chris Sasser uses a saws-all to cut back the branches of a fallen tree on RCR 2470 on Monday morning, May 18. The tree appeared to have toppled as the result of the heavy rainfall over the weekend. […]

Second round of testing

May 19, 2020 Trey Hill 0

A member of the Texas National Guard prepares to administer a test for COVID-19 on Friday afternoon, May 15, on the campus of the Rains Junior High School. Seventy-eight tests were administered on Friday, the second time the campus has hosted the event. […]

Board approves 2020-21 school calendar

May 19, 2020 Chuck Fitts 0

Rains ISD board members approved the school calendar for 2020-2021, learned of the plans for the senior graduation ceremony and heard the current financial status due to COVID-19 during the regular meeting on Monday, May 11. […]

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