December 21, 2024
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Miller Grove ISD honors veterans

November 17, 2020 Submitted 0

Miller Grove ISD third-grader Leelan Starek (left) and kindergartner Makenna Zimmerman (right) proudly stand beside the special American Flag created by elementary, junior high and high school art students to show support, gratitude and love for brave veterans. […]

10-point buck

November 17, 2020 Submitted 0

Greenlee Moore proudly displays her first buck. The 11-year-old shot the 10-point deer while hunting with her Poppy, Jeff Dowlen, in Rains County on November 9. […]

Big win at OLM

November 17, 2020 Submitted 0

The Thomas girls are on their way to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in January for World’s Universal Beauty Competition. Kinzlee Thomas (left) is the reigning Texas Our Little Miss (OLM) Official Queen and her mom, Brittainy Thomas (right), recently won Texas Miss Personality in the 2020 Texas State Universal Beauty Scholarship Competition in Killeen. […]

from my view of Emory on November 17, 2020

November 17, 2020 Submitted 0

Hello everyone, hope you all had a wonderful week so far. I wanna start off by announcing that Garrett Cochrane and Trinity Barrow had a new arrival of little Cooper Howard Cochrane! He was earlier than expected so he will be in the NICU at Hunt Regional till he gets a little bigger. […]

Plan ahead for turkey dinner

November 17, 2020 Deborah Walker 0

Start planning now to have your turkey ready in time for Thanksgiving dinner. A good rule of thumb when thawing in a refrigerator at 38 degrees is to allow one day of thawing per four pounds of bird. So, this year my 22-lb Butterball will need at least 5-1/2 days to thaw. […]

A lone Indian Paintbrush and Paul McMerrell

November 17, 2020 Linda Brendle 0

David and I visited with our dog friend Spike last weekend while his people took a break from raising cattle. Spike was unusually subdued, maybe feeling the pressure of 2020 like the rest of us. More likely, though, his calm attitude is because of the strict restraints he’s under to keep him from chasing several new calves. Instead of having the run of the ranch, he stays in the barn, the house or tethered on the patio, and he walks on a leash. […]

November 17, 2020

November 17, 2020 Submitted 0

Good Samaritan November Dates; Vendors Needed, Round The Square; WSC Wreath Project; LCN Mingle, Jingle; Annual Motorcycle Toy Ride; FOL Meets; Spirit of ET Holds Bake Sale; Free Thanksgiving Hand-up Meal; ’65 Mustang Chance […]

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